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Kerri Ann Cruse Kerri Ann Cruse

A May Marked by Storms

In the last month the United States has experienced a series of intense storms, particularly marked by tornado activity in various regions. However, amidst the chaos and destruction, members of the OPC family have felt the Lord’s protection while incurring only minimal damage.

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Kerri Ann Cruse Kerri Ann Cruse

Tornadoes Across the U.S.

Yet another storm update! We are thankful to report that after the recent tornado activity across the midwest, south, southeast, and southwest U.S., the only known damage was minor.

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Kerri Ann Cruse Kerri Ann Cruse

Flooding in Houston

We are thankful to report, after checking in with the congregations in the Houston, Texas area, that there are no known needs for OP Churches or church families at this time. Please pray for the region, especially northeast of Houston as they begin cleanup and restoration efforts. We will update if more information becomes available.

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