A Testimony of Trusting in God

by Charley DeBoer
Elder, Trinity-Easton OPC
Easton, PA

"When I first drove up to the site it was emotional for me! The Moots' house was emptied by waters. When I met Glenn and Michell, they were so upbeat, both with smiles on their faces, a true testimony of trusting in God. We took a quick tour of the house and made a mental list of our goals for the week.

Rob Brinks mentored me [on] day one, and then I was on my own. It was a joy to serve, and often the Moots family and Christ Covenant Church thanked us for our service. We were shown hospitality that could not be measured. Each day ended with us looking forward to rest and fellowship. In the Moots guest book that was passed around on the last day, I shared a Bible verse that strengthened me in times of my own past troubles, Psalm 61:2, ‘From the end of the earth, I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I...’ On my travels home I realized that I was the one who had been blessed by God!”


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