Anxiety to Assurance

by Honor Svenson, Senior at Carolina Christian School

Recently I was blessed with the opportunity to go on my first mission trip. I can’t lie, I was quite anxious with questions and worries when I first heard about the trip. But to say that I’m grateful I went is such an understatement. Hearing all the testimonies of the people there and seeing the destruction in the community we visited brought me to tears and still brings me to tears when I think about it. The time there truly impacted my life and my walk with the Lord. 

In the van as we were driving up the mountain and into the city we were listening to “Show Me Where You Were '' by Laney Rene. The song talks about how even when we don’t feel and see God through trials and tragedies, He is always right there by our side and always will be. This weekend showed me just how faithful God is through everything we may face. Neon, Kentucky truly changed the way I saw things. 

When we arrived and I saw the water line on the windows I was shocked. As we were walking around the town there was not a dry eye. Seeing the destruction made me so sad. It really shows and puts into perspective how much we shouldn’t take anything for granted. You never know what the next day will bring let alone the next 12 hours. One of the homeowners made a statement that really hit me: “we went to sleep with everything we ever wanted and woke up with nothing.” 

I will never forget my time in Neon, Kentucky. I'm so grateful for the amazing opportunity that I was given!


Moved to Compassion


Knitting Together for His Purposes