Attractive Website for Nozomi Center in Yamamoto, Japan

David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator (October 2012)

 The recently constructed Nozomi Center, which was built to serve the people of Yamamoto, Japan, following the Tsunami of March 2011, has been open since May 5, 2012 — and now it has its own website, too!  This attractive website, loaded with photos of the activities hosted by the center, can be found at  Click on the "Album" tab, and there you may recognize members of the two OPC volunteer short-term mission teams that were sent to Japan during the summer of 2012 to participate in the efforts of the Nozomi Center to minister to those whose lives were shattered by the tsunami.  Please continue to pray for the work of the Nozomi Center, and for OPC Missionary to Japan Rev. Cal Cummings, who serves as Nozomi's Interim Director.  May the compassion and love of Christ be clearly communicated to those around this place.


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