Catastrophic Flood in Kentucky—Update

Catastrophic Flood in Kentucky—Update

From Elder Mike Cloy (Landis OPC, Marion, NC)

Day 1 Clean Up Neon Disaster Response July 30, 2022

"The dehumidifier trailer arrived around 10 am, delivered by two members of Landis OPC, Marion. [Presbytery of the Southeast's] DART (Disaster Response Advanced Team) arrived with six men around 3 pm and joined eight church members already mucking the mud out of the church. The church members had already moved the destroyed furniture and material onto the street. Seth (elder, Neon Reformed OPC) and Alex Dorr (DART Team Leader) conducted a site survey of three houses that are in bad shape from the storm. Two are owned by friends of the church, and one is owned by a church member. Seth and I will talk more about how to address these properties tomorrow when I drive up to Neon after worship at Marion. Seth, Jay (pastor, Neon Reformed OPC), and I will talk about establishing the disaster response architecture for long-term support into the build-out phase of the church and maybe the properties of the friends of the church and the member of the church. Jay will conduct a worship service at 11:00 am at a park."

Elder Seth Long adds, "What a day! A ton of work was completed today…it is practically all mucked out, which is amazing to me. We visited three families with Pastor jay and Alex. It was humbling to stand with one family, a friend of the church, who lost everything in the flood and hear their brokenness. It was good to pray with these families. We are tired and will sleep well tonight!"

Praise the Lord for the willingness of church members and the Presbytery of the Southeast's DART Team members who spent their Saturday serving in this way!

We will pass on information for volunteers as a timeline is constructed for this effort. In the meantime, please visit to let us know you would be willing to help, when you can.

To donate to this effort, go to


Work Begins in Neon Flood


Raging Flood Waters in Neon, Kentucky