DART Responds in Pineville, Louisiana

The Disaster Advanced Response Team (DART) arrived in Pineville, LA around midnight Saturday night (8/29/20) in the wake of Category 4 Hurricane Laura.
Sunday morning (8/30/20) after a devotional led by a licensed candidate of the Presbytery of the South they went to work applying mercy ministry to Pineville OP Church.
  • They removed four downed trees at the church property with the help of three church members.
  • They then moved to a church member's house where they removed a church member's tree that was on a car that was crushed.
  • They then moved to the mother-in-law of a church member where they removed several trees.
  • They ended the day at a church member's father's house and repaired the chimney cap on the fireplace.
On Monday (8/31/20) they moved to the church pianist's house to remove a tree off her roof. While working on Sunday they were approached by folks seeking assistance. They placed these folks on a worklist and should be able to assist them.

DART Responds to Hurricane Laura


The OPC Impacted by Tropical Storm Isaias