Disaster Response Resources

Congregational Disaster Preparedness Guide (printable PDF)  helps congregations take some basic and important steps toward resiliency and intentionality in response to disaster so that they will be better able to serve their communities when disasters strike.

FEMA Guide for Developing an Emergency Operations Plan outlines how houses of worship can take steps to plan for potential emergencies (violent acts, fires, disasters, etc.) through the creation of an Emergency Operations Plan.Emergency Preparedness for People Who Use Assistive Technology offers guidelines for people who use assistive technology such as a wheelchair, ventilator, hearing aids, etc.Tips for Preparing for an Insurance Claim includes advice on properly documenting damages incurred during a disaster.

Good Overview Articles:

Tips for Organizing a Disaster Response Team from Your Church is written by veteran team coordinator, Deacon Paul ChildressOshkosh OPC Sends its First Short-Term Missionaries describes the experience of a family that served as a hurricane relief team in HoustonA Christian Response to Disaster discusses what makes the church's response to disaster unique

Training Videos:

Local and Presbytery Disaster Response Training Videos provide an introduction to planning for a disaster, preparing for a disaster, and executing appropriate measures following a disaster.

Radio Interview:

Showing Christ's Love in Relief Work is a recording of David Nakhla's interview on Jon Shishko's radio show following the hurricanes of 2017.


Tips for Organizing a Disaster Response Team from Your Church


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