Earthquake in Japan

Earthquake in Japan

On February 13th an earthquake of 7.3 magnitude rocked the country of Japan. We thank the Lord that our missionaries there are safe and are using this opportunity to build relationships and care for others.

Laurie, wife of OPC Missionary Woody Lauer, says, "We are deeply grateful for your prayers for us, Yamamoto, and Japan and thankful for God's mercy in this latest quake." 172 Yamamoto homes have roof damage, with repair estimates close to $100,000. Approximately 70% of the town was without water initially, but most were restored within 24 hours.

The only local hospital suffered cracked and falling walls, equipment damage in addition to damaged water pipes, which has led to some services to be curtailed for possibly a month or more. Trains continue to run, helping the elderly get medical help north of the town. Some fear the recent quake may be a precursor to a larger, more devastating one to come.

This latest earthquake comes just about a month shy of the tenth anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami of 2011, causing many to relive that trauma. Please continue to pray for this region.

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