Final Construction Team to Japan (#4)


by David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator (March 2012)

 Friends:"For who is God, besides the LORD? And who is a rock, besides our God?"  - II Samuel 22:32Greetings from Japan.  I am writing you from the Sendai airport, awaiting the arrival of Team #4, the final construction team to Japan (at this time). Last Monday I came to Japan to evaluate the progress of the projects. I am so thankful to report wonderful progress despite many obstacles to avoid and hurdles to jump. The teams thus far have been blessed with diligent and skilled participants and gracious leaders.

Thank-you from Japan

The Sendai church project is complete. The following is a portion of a note I received from the pastor of the Sendai RCJ, Pastor Yoshida:

I'd just like to say a big "THANK YOU" to you, who organized this, all the members of Team #1 & 2, and OPC brothers and sisters who have kept praying and supporting them. Since I left Sendai right after Team #1 started their job and came back last week, I was very surprised by the almost brand-new sanctuary of my church. I am also much impressed by their truly professional works done. Honestly, what we expected was just temporary repairs. But what they have done was almost complete. We really hope that this renewed sanctuary, as well as Yamamoto center, be used for furthering the kingdom of God in the region.I, too, must express my gratitude, not only for the professionalism and care of each team member, but also for Deacon John Voss, who not only planned out each of these projects but also guides these projects along from afar.

Great Progress

"Hope Center", the ministry relief center being constructed in Yamamoto, Japan, is making great progress. All the walls are now closed up and the taping and mudding of the joints is near complete. Almost all the electric circuits are live and the plumbing is ready to receive sinks and toilets. Flooring is near complete on the second floor. The kitchen cabinets are installed and the countertops are near completion.

The Work Remaining

Team #4 will be painting, installing flooring, installing doors, and lots of trim work.CONSTRUCTION TEAM #4 - Please pray for Team #4 that the Lord would bless the labor of their hands. They will be in Japan from March 31 – April 13.Team #4 Leader:

  • Steve Lengkeek (64) - Emmanuel OPC, Wilmington, DE

Team Members Remaining from Team #3:

  • Luke Brown (66) - Trinity OPC, Hatboro, PA
  • Ruth Brown (27) - Trinity OPC, Hatboro, PA
  • Mark Palombi (30) - Church of the Covenant OPC, Hackettstown, NJ

New Team Members:

  • Peter Pindic (51) - Romanian Baptist Church, Hickory, NC
  • Vasile Rosca (40) - Romanian Baptist Church, Hickory, NC
  • David Loux (27) - Calvary OPC, Glenside, PA
  • Brett Habegger (24) - Faith OPC, Long Beach, CA

I was so thankful to previous team leader, Jim Trott, for his faithful daily post. Updates will continue to be posted on the OPC Disaster Response Facebook page

Japan Teams This Summer!

The OPC Japan Mission has requested that we send (2) 10-person disaster response teams and (1) 6-person evangelism teams. I am gathering names of those interested in participating. These teams will occur between July 6 and August 10. The estimated cost is $3000 per participant. Time is getting short, but we don’t want to miss this window of opportunity that the Lord has placed before us. Email me if interested in being a part of Team Japan 2012

Please Continue to Pray

  • Pray for the Lord's blessing on the work of Team #4. They have much to complete in 2 weeks time!
  • Pray for our hosts in country that they will not grow weary in supporting these workers.
  • Pray, in particular, for the Cummings who bear the brunt of most of this work.
  • Pray that the Lord would use all these labors for His honor and for the expansion of His Kingdom in the nation of Japan.
  • Pray that these labors of love would be a great encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Japan.
  • Pray that the "Hope Center" would be a powerful and effective tool to be used by the ministry and mission efforts in that region.

May many in Japan know that there is no God besides the LORD; He is our Rock!Your fellow-laborer in Christ,David Nakhla


Good Report from Japan Construction Team #4


Japan Disaster Response Update