Update from Haiti: Hurricane Irma Moves On

by Rev. Ben Hopp, OP Missionary to Haiti (September 8, 2017)This morning as I write, there are still clouds in the sky and the wind is blowing in the trees. But we praise God that we felt very little from the passage of Hurricane Irma by our home here in Haiti. Around sunset last night, the wind began along with some rain. Overall, we only received about an inch of rain, and everyone slept soundly last night. The image below shows the hurricane position at 9PM last night.Reports from around Haiti are encouraging. There was some flooding in the north, but nothing as bad as people expected. Many of our missionary friends commented on how we waited all day yesterday expecting bad winds, heavy rains, etc. And nothing happened. We are grateful for your prayers and the fact that the path of the storm was well to the north of Haiti. Reports are good from La Gonâve and Port-au-Prince. Pray for those in the north who did lose property in the flooding.As we anticipate worshipping together in Port-au-Prince this Sunday, we will be praying particularly for those in Florida. We are very thankful for some wonderful Christian neighbors who are taking care of things at our home in Bradenton. This is the first time we have had impacts at both our homes. We are thankful to know that the Lord is the one in control of all things.


Hurricane Irma Response: Update from Naples, Florida


Hurricane Irma: Update from Puerto Rico