Hurricane Irma Response: For the Benefit of Our Neighbors

by Eric Hausler, Pastor, Christ the King OPC (November 10, 2017)Praise the Lord! For the most part, things are getting back to normal here in Naples. There are still lots of piles of storm debris around town along roads, fallen trees through broken fences, ruined business signs, and blue tarps on roof-tops, but for most people, life is returning to normalcy. We do have some families in our church planting work that have lingering problems from Hurricane Irma: two homes are completely uninhabitable and are slowly getting repair work done, and a couple more have some exterior damage that is soon to be repaired.The other result of Hurricane Irma has been the memories of what our church was able to accomplish in our immediate neighborhood (where my wife Donna and I live) because of the serious needs for tree and brush removal. What an encouragement it was to have a relief team here from Redeemer OPC in Ada, Michigan! They were able to accomplish so much for the benefit of our neighbors, even for the snowbirds who were far away. Starting this week and in the weeks ahead, snow birds are finally returning to their winter homes that they haven't seen since around Easter time. Because of the work that we were able to do on behalf of our neighbors, the reputation of our works of service and our church have risen significantly. We are praying for many opportunities to invite neighbors to worship the Lord and visit us at Christ the King OPC.Our church family sincerely thanks all those around the country who prayed for us as Irma passed over us, and believed that the Lord was able to calm the winds so that we would not have the predicted storm surge that would have inundated our city .... because the Lord heard your prayers! To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Other Reports from Naples:

Click here for other reports from Naples!

Thank you, Volunteers!

Many thanks to those who have served with OPC Disaster Response in Naples to date:

  • Andy Baker
  • Alex Brummel
  • Pete Faber
  • Demadrea Fuller
  • Donna Hausler
  • Eric Hausler
  • Tim Hausler
  • Ryan Heaton
  • Myron Palmer
  • Jeff Rosendall
  • Michael Smith 
The "Haitian Hurricane Heroes" (all brothers from one family!):
  • Emildo Antoine
  • Jephte Antoine
  • Nehemy Antoine
  • Pierre-Paul Antoine
  • Standley Antoine
  • Valdano Antoine



Hurricane Irma Response: Still There and Praising God!


Hurricane Harvey Response: Shared Work, Prayer, and Generosity