Hurricane Irma Response: Updates from Naples, Florida

by Eric Haulser, Pastor, Christ the King OPC, Naples, FL (updated October 14, 2017)

October 12, 2017:

Today we worked on tarping a roof on a mobile home. The damage was caused by Irma, but only discovered a week ago.Another big issue in our county is debris pick up. The brush is rotting along Naples roads and the county is overwhelmed. I have found a guy who will donate to me a dump truck tomorrow, and I've rounded up some guys from a drug addiction program to volunteer their time along with a couple of my Haitian Hurricane Heroes and we're going to go collect debris in my neighborhood Thursday morning. People are getting nervous because our homeowners association is going to slap them with fines if they don't have it removed - but it is very costly! We are thankful to be able to serve our neighbors in this way. To God be the glory!

September 20, 2017:

What a great day this was with the team from Michigan and the Haitian Hurricane Heroes. Thanks for your prayers! Tomorrow we will be working in our neighborhood, The Shores. Please pray for opportunities to share the hope of Christ.

Photo Gallery:


Hurricane Irma Response: OPC Volunteers in Naples Make the News!


Hurricane Harvey Response: OPC Response Work in Texas