Hurricane Irma: Thank You from Key West

by David Nakhla, OPC Short-Term Missions Coordinator (January 18, 2018)For the past two days, Regional Disaster Response Coordinator Joel King, Deacon Bob Keys, and I have been in Key West, Florida, to assess the status of post-Hurricane Irma disaster response efforts. We were pleased to discover that most of the work has been completed.Using funds generously donated to the OPC Hurricane Relief Fund, we anticipate being able to help the OPC families affected by Hurricane Irma by paying a portion of the large insurance deductibles that homeowners in Key West are required to pay. There may also be one or two more projects that can use volunteer labor -- stay tuned for updates and how you might participate. We praise the Lord for his preservation and care of his people through this difficult time.We were blessed to witness OPC Pastor “Bible Bill” Welzien’s gospel presentation at the famous Sunset Celebration at Mallory Square on Wednesday evening. We estimate that he has given this presentation possibly as many as 4,000 times!On behalf of those in Key West, we wish to express thanks for the concern, prayers, volunteers, and gifts sent. They have been greatly appreciated! 


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