Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rico 6-Month Update

March 22, 2018David Nakhla visited Puerto Rico earlier this month to assess the situation six months post-Hurricane Maria. He visited the two OP churches in San Juan and the OP mission work in Arroyo. He met with church leaders, as well as Rob Brinks of Reformed Mission Services (RMS). RMS has been generously involved in the OPC's hurricane response work in Houston."It was a great blessing to be in worship with the saints in Arroyo," said David. "I was very encouraged to see the size of the congregation. I was given the Sunday School hour to introduce them to the work of the Committee on Diaconal Ministries, and sought to explain how the OPC elects committees to oversee the various ministries of the church."Now that daily life is returning to normal in Puerto Rico with the restoration of electricity, water, internet, etc., more attention can be directed to buildings and property that sustained damage in the storm. There are ample opportunities to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico with financial gifts from OPC disaster response funds, and to encourage them by sending work teams and outreach teams. As the Puerto Rico Disaster Response Committee of the Presbytery of New Jersey considers these options, we will keep you posted!


Local and Presbytery Disaster Response Training Videos


Houston Hurricane Response Ministry: Outreach, Work List, Team Videos