Hurricane Matthew Follow-Up Report

by David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator (October 15, 2016)

Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,and he delivered them from their distress.He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea where hushed. Psalm 107:28-29 (ESV)

We thank and praise the Lord that His answer to many prayers last week was to spare the USA the level of devastation from Hurricane Matthew that was originally forecasted!Both the Presbytery of the South and the Presbytery of the Southeast did experience some of Matthew’s fury. The congregation most impacted according to reports received in our office was Covenant OPC in St. Augustine, Florida.

Covenant OPC:

Pastor Eric Watkins reported that due to coastal flooding, a number of families suffered as much as 4 feet of water in their homes and vehicles. Pastor Watkins rejoiced to see his congregation rise up to minister to one another to the extent that there are no emergency needs at this time.


There are however various projects such as performing home repairs and removing felled trees for which they would welcome volunteer help from anyone available to come and help. Please contact Pastor Eric Watkins directly at

Replacement House Being Sought

The most significant effect of the storm was to render condemned a doublewide mobile home in which one Covenant OPC family lived. If anyone knows of a replacement doublewide available somewhere in the south, this would be a great answer to prayer!  Please contact Pastor Eric Watkins directly at


Regarding Haiti, we've been informed that for the time being, their needs are being met locally.  If something such as an outbreak of cholera or loss of crops creates special problems in the future, the OP Haiti Mission will contact us to request our help.

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