Hurricane Matthew Report

by David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator (October 6, 2016)

The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; The God of glory thunders, The Lord is over many waters. Psalm 29:3 (ESV)

As you probably know, Hurricane Matthew has battered portions of Haiti in recent days. Our missionaries Ben and Heather Hopp and their children are not currently in Haiti, having returned to the States earlier this year on furlough, but Ben is receiving reports from his contacts in Haiti and sending out information via his e-newsletter, his personal Facebook page, and through the OPC Disaster Response Facebook page. Keeping an eye on those sources will be the best way to stay on top of the latest from him. We were encouraged to receive word that our other missionary in Haiti, Octavius Delfils, and his family are safe. We await the days ahead to know if the OPC will be involved in a disaster response effort led by the OPC Haiti Mission.

Presbytery of the South:

The Presbytery of the South is preparing for the worst. Deacon Tim Phillips of Lake Sherwood OPC is serving as the regional disaster response coordinator. Please pray for him and for the churches on the east coast of Florida as they prepare for this potential disaster. We understand there are sister churches in the region as well.


As reports come in, we will post them to the OPC Disaster Response Facebook page, so please stay tuned there for the latest.

Psalm 29:

These are opportunities to be reminded of the fierce judgement of the Lord and of the security that can only be found in him. May He use whatever outcome to turn our hearts to Him!  What a promise at the end of Psalm 29:11 The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.


Refugee Relief: Foreign Missions at Home


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