Refugee Relief

by David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator (November 2015) At its recent meeting, the OPC's Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) received the following recommendation from its Disaster Response Subcommittee:  "That the CDM receive gifts designated for refugee relief." 

The CDM concurred with this recommendation based on the following:

  • The need is great! The world is facing a record number of internally displaced people and/or refugees today; some suggest that number could be upwards of 60 million people!
  • The OPC community has expressed an interest in contributing toward such a purpose.
  • This situation does not look like it will be resolved any time soon.
  • Several of our sister denominations have found ways to minister, both as a service to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and as a witness to our fellow man.

How might the funds be used?

  • Directly ministering to those in refugee and IDP (internally displaced person) camps
  • Transporting refugees
  • Re-settling refugees

The CDM is in the process of exploring the refugee ministries of several of our sister denominations in order to identify places where the use of diaconal funds will be accompanied by the ministry of the Word. The CDM has reserve funds from which to draw for this purpose, but should you or your church also wish to participate, you can do so as follows.

Gifts for Refugee Relief:

Checks may be made out to “Orthodox Presbyterian Church” and noted for “Refugee Relief.”Send to:OPC Administrative Offices607 N. Easton Road, Bldg. EWillow Grove, PA  19090Any gifts remaining by November 2018 may be re-designated by the CDM, most likely to General Disaster Response work.Please pray for the CDM for wisdom as it seeks to faithfully carry out this labor on behalf of the church.  


The Refugee Crisis: The OPC Perspective


The Refugee Crisis: A Man-Made Disaster