Refugees Twice Over

Pastor of Bethlehem, Sofonias, is in the center of this photo.

Please pray for a group of brothers and sisters who are refugees twice over. A number of people from a nation in the Horn of Africa (intentionally vague) have become refugees in Khartoum, Sudan. Among them are a significant number of Christians. The Mobile Theological Mentoring Corps of the Committee on Foreign Missions has made several trips there to encourage and teach, focusing on a Reformed church called Bethlehem Church.

As you are probably aware, heavy fighting has been going on in Khartoum in recent weeks between the military and the paramilitary. Many foreigners have been evacuated. Hospital supplies, food and water are in very short supply. Civilians are being attacked by soldiers, with refugees often being the target. Women are being sexually abused.

Recently the pastor of Bethlehem, Sofonias, along with his wife, and eight other adults and five children were able to flee Khartoum (leaving can be as dangerous as staying) and make their way just across the border to the country of South Sudan. They are in dire straits. Drinkable water is in short supply and exorbitantly expensive. They need travel documents as they seek to make their way to a safe place.

The Refugee Ministry Subcommittee of the OPC's Committee on Diaconal Ministry has determined to work to provide emergency funds for food, water, and in the longer term, funds for documents and transportation, as they seek to travel to a safer place.

Please pray.

—Pray for the safety of Sofonias and the group of 15, that they will be able to continue on to a place of safety.

—Pray for the many who have not been able to leave Khartoum, and are undergoing severe suffering.

—Pray for an end to the fighting in Khartoum.

—Pray that in the chaos of our present world, many will come to know the Prince of Peace.

—Ask the Lord to remember the suffering of his people and to restrain those who are harming them.

—Pray for long-term peace and freedom for the church in that part of the world.

—Give thanks that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Thank you for praying!


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