Report from Boston After Marathon Bombing

by Steve Marusich, Pastor, New Covenant Presbyterian Church, Newton Center (Boston area), Massachusetts (April 17, 2013)

...none of our people were directly affected (caught in the blast). At least two people were working close by, but they are safe. I have not heard of anyone in the greater OPC family that was affected.I appreciate that there are people who would love to come and help. At this time, I am not sure how they could. The victims certainly need prayer, and it may be that in the coming days or weeks, a way of meeting physical needs will emerge. Right now, I know that many are scared, or upset, and are in need of prayer. The families of the victims and of those killed (2 locals and one Chinese national) need prayer; prayer for the FBI and the Boston Police to catch these killers, and prayer for Boston.Here in Boston, most people have either rejected God (atheists), made him some sort of PC/tolerant/powerless god that He is not, or they fear him and distrust his goodness (many Roman Catholics). People can pray for a revival here, for a blessing of all the churches and ministries that preach the gospel of grace. Pray that the believers here would take every opportunity to love their neighbors.If I know more, I will let you know. Thanks again for contacting me, and for your prayers and love.In Christ our Champion,Steve MarusichPastorNew Covenant Presbyterian Church 


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