The Ukrainian Plight Continues

The Ukrainian Plight Continues

by Trish Duggan, Communications Coordinator for OPC Disaster Response

Although the news headlines have veered some from the war in Ukraine, the turmoil in that region continues, with no end in sight. Reports from our missionary contacts tell us that the mood in Ukraine remains tense, with air raid sirens echoing through every town each time a threat is perceived, creating an atmosphere of constant uneasiness. OPC missionaries have returned to L'viv, along with other formerly displaced Ukrainians, to serve again in a new, uncertain "normal." L'viv, for now, is considered safe.

The need continues for humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees and those who remain in Ukraine. As many of you know from our previous reports, Mission to the World, the PCA foreign missions' office, has a strong foundation in Ukraine, with many missionaries and partners in the region who now work to provide aid to the afflicted. "Crates for Ukraine" is one of the programs MTW has created in order to deliver necessary supplies to into Ukraine. Take a peek into their efforts in this brief, four-minute video.

The first phase of this effort is quickly coming to a close, so be sure to find out how you can help now! Visit to learn more.

Find out how the Lord has sustained a pastor and his congregation in Ukraine during the war by watching this compelling 11-minute video, also provided by MTW.

As far as we know, there is no end in sight for the war. David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response coordinator, continues to research and pursue various opportunities in which the OPC could potentially get involved. As these opportunities for service are identified and solidified, we will pass them on to you.

In the meantime, please continue to pray for Ukraine, for the refugees, for those who remain in Ukraine and for those who work tirelessly, in the name of the Lord to minister to both.


Raging Flood Waters in Neon, Kentucky
