Ukraine Crisis Fund Now Open!

Ukraine Crisis Fund Now Open!

March 2, 2022

Given the significant damage and disruption to society caused by the bombing and occupation, it is easy to anticipate significant needs for those who remain, as they face shortages of supplies and/or significant inflation for everyday necessities.  Some may face the loss of employment and others may face the tragic loss of loved ones—possibly even their only source of income.  Others may be able to welcome internally displaced individuals into their homes, which will add to the financial burden of their households.  Whatever the circumstances of those who stay, it is hard to imagine anyone in the country who will escape the impacts of this devastating war.

Typically, the depth of assistance that is required to re-establish oneself is immense. It often takes decades for a refugee to fully resettle into a new life.

For those who feel they have no choice but to flee Ukraine—they now face life as a refugee; leaving behind their homes, livelihoods, network of friends, neighbors, relatives, church family, possessions, and the only life and language they knew.

According to last report, our missionaries in L’viv are ok other than being very busy actively receiving and caring for scores of refugees coming into their western city.  Know that they covet your prayers for them, the flock in L’viv, those they serve, and for the country of Ukraine that they have grown to love.  Please also pray that the Lord would turn the hearts of all involved to the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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