Wildfires Rage in Parts of Oregon

As wildfires continue to smolder in the western half of the state of Oregon, we have been receiving reports from OPC pastors in the area, keeping us updated on how their churches are doing, and of losses and damages within their congregations. Praise to the Lord, there has been no loss of life, though several families have lost their homes entirely.

Trinity OPC in Medford, Oregon

On Tuesday, September 8, we heard from Pastor Nicholson in Medford, Oregon as two families in his congregation, Trinity OPC, had fled their homes with only the clothes they were wearing. Their homes were completely lost, but it was not yet clear if they had homeowner's insurance, and how the local diaconate was equipped to help.
We have since heard again from Pastor Nicholson:
  • Both families that lost their homes have homeowner's insurance. They currently have places to stay and are provided for at this time.
  • One of the families lost their dog and all their possessions.
  • Another family lost a freezer full of meat after they evacuated.
  • A workman in our church lost thousands of dollars in tools that were at a worksite that was destroyed.
  • The wind shattered a tree on the church property. It needs to be removed.

Faith OPC in Grants Pass, Oregon

  • There has been no direct impact from the fires.
  • The church is set up to receive evacuees for temporary housing if that becomes needed.
  • Please pray that they would minister faithfully to those in need over the long run.

Covenant Grace OPC in Roseburg, Oregon

  • There are two families in the church that are displaced because of the fires.
  • No one, yet, has suffered the loss of their home.
  • Please pray that the congregation will be provided an open door to minister to some of the 3,000+ people in the area who have been evacuated from their homes.

Trinity OPC in Newberg, Oregon

  • The immediate danger is decreasing.
  • One of the elders lives in a suburb on the SE side of Portland where they are on a level 2 evacuation notice (be prepared to leave). They are packed in case it moves to level 3.
  • The Rev. Glenn Black, retired OPC pastor, is 96 years of age, is with his daughter and son-in-law, out of danger. Give thanks for their safety.
  • A family in the United Reformed Church in Salem, Oregon lost their home.
Please pray for the many people affected by the fires, that even in this God will make people aware of both his power and his grace. Pray that we as his people may reflect his compassion in these difficult circumstances.

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