Work in Maryland Continues!

This week we will be finishing laying the tar paper (Tom Sills - Grace and Peace OPC helped yesterday), to be followed by underlayment installation.  Once we have completed the underlayment, we are at all stop until we have a way forward with the electrical distribution and complete whatever changes are required. We need an electrician to evaluate the electrical distribution throughout the house for a possibly smarter way to distribute the load.  We are also having a company evaluate the crawlspace for proper moisture control. The gutters on the house are old 3-inch gutters. In order to keep moisture out of the crawlspace and the foundation, we have asked a gutter installer for an estimate to update the gutters. Once we have completed the electrical survey and made necessary changes, we will go forward with insulation and drywall installation throughout the house. The next steps depends upon the availability of the electrician to evaluate and do whatever work would be required.

Once again we were blessed with a great crew of volunteers this past weekend in addition to very pleasant weather.  John Gordon was with us again all week working tirelessly, doing everything from pressure washing to spreading moisture barriers in the crawl space.   He worked long hours and maintained a good sense of humor the whole time.  He returned home Saturday and we will miss him.  He was a wonderful house guest.

David Fritz from Grace Presbyterian (Vienna, VA) worked in the house Thursday. The crawl space and wood are drying nicely.  Based on recommendations, we examined the outside of the house to see if rain water was keeping the footings wet.  It was.  Several things are in play.  The gutters are probably too small for this house (they were the standard at the time).  Gutters are installed on a slope to drain the water off the roof.  By the time they get near the end of their runs they are too low to catch the water as it comes off the roof.  You can see in the photo how the water has beaten a trough out next to the house.  You can see the gap under the board on the ground. We purchased a dump truck load of topsoil.  Pastor Edd and Patrick Juras from Pilgrim OPC in Raleigh NC loaded the dirt and wheelbarrowing the dirt around the house. Just after Edd left on Friday, a neighbor stopped by and offered the use of his tractor.  William Cox, also from Pilgrim OPC in Raleigh NC, ran the tractor.

Patrick and William returned Saturday to finish grading, plant seed, spread straw and do a number of odd jobs. From Callaway Baptist- Rob and Mary Ellen Borland and Ed Sipes fitted more nailers in the crawl space to support newly replaced sub-flooring. Patrica Blanchard supplied beef stew, homemade bread and spice cake for lunch.

If you would like to get involved with this effort, please contact Gloria Davis:

See our progress in photos below:


Hurricane Delta Update


Rebuilding in Midland, Michigan