Youth Serve in Neon, KY

Youth Serve in Neon, KY

Pictured is the group from Carolina Christian, along with Neon homeowner, Liz Kilgore, who attended worship with the group on Sunday.

A group of 27 young people and chaperones from Carolina Christian School (Locust, NC) came to Neon to serve the Lord in the community last week. Serving as site coordinator while they worked was a member of Providence OPC, Chillhowie, VA, Flave Davis. Flave reported that four sheds were built, a crawlspace was cleaned out, some drywall was obtained for a home owner, and a yard cleaned up by filling a dumpster. The group had great chaperones who kept the young volunteers on pace--some even served meals! Kyle Grassmid from Faith URC in West Olive, Michigan and Matthew Wood from Grace OPC in Costa Mesa, California, were also a great help; we are so thankful they were there.

Praise the Lord for the good work that was done last week!


The Sturgill Family


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