A Thank You Note from Houston!

May 2019OPC Disaster Response enjoyed receiving the following thank you note and photos from a couple that had been served by the OPC Hurricane Harvey Response Ministry in Houston:

"It is our great joy to announce that our home is finally 100% restored from Hurricane Harvey. We could not have done it without your generous help! "We moved back home May 5, 2018, but still had major and minor fixes to do. The last of the repairs were completed on April 4, 2019; 584 days after the flood waters receded. "By the grace of our Lord and the assistance you gave, we are once again made whole. Words cannot express the impact you've had and how grateful we are to you. Our lives will be forever changed by your selflessness and your service. "We pray that this letter finds you well. Should you find yourself in Houston, please look us up through Facebook and send us a message. It would be our pleasure to have you in our home. May God bless you and keep you always!" Melody and Bob Woodward


Hurricane Harvey Response: Grieving as a Community


Refugee Ministry: Open Doors for Mercy and Gospel Ministry