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Hurricane Harvey Response: An Evangelist in Houston

NEW HORIZONS, March 2019: Stirring up gifts in the body of Christ in Houston and throughout our presbytery means helping one another to see the wide-open door for compassionate service in the wake of the hurricane. Having a full-time evangelist here for Harvey households includes his role in equipping all of us to do this work...

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Hurricane Harvey Response Ministry: Report to General Assembly 2018

Our prayer is that through the outreach ministry of disaster relief and recovery, we in the OPC can help people find an enduring answer to the question of “why?” It will be manifested by the work we do of physical and material assistance we provide in the name of Christ, and by the testimony of the gospel that we proclaim to people as we have opportunity...

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Houston Hurricane Response Ministry: A Sustained Work of Mercy

What began as a frenzied effort to respond to the immediate aftermath of the worst hurricane to hit Texas in decades, and the worst flooding in the Houston area in living memory, has blossomed into a sustained work of mercy and outreach in one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the United States...

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