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Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Response: 18 Months Later

It has been 18 months since Hurricane Sandy hit the eastern seaboard of the USA, wreaking havoc in its wake. The OPC was able to respond to this disaster, thanks to our on-site coordinators and many other volunteers who contributed their time and skills to help OP families and their friends and neighbors deal with the aftermath of the storm and get back into their homes . . .

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Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan

In Everything Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for reflecting on the Lord's goodness to us over the past year. His gift of goodness does not always come to us wrapped in the most obvious of packages. It does not always come painted with colorful flowers and glowing sunshine. Rather, we may find that we have to peer through the dark clouds and stormy skies to discover His goodness, love, and care for us . . .

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Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan

Sandy Volunteering

While it's one thing to acknowledge that God is sovereign in all matters great and small, good and bad, it's a whole other thing to be able to rest in that under such difficult circumstances. And this is where the church must step in. We must reach out to our brother and sister in need and minister to them . . .

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Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan Hurricane Sandy Archives Trish Duggan

News From Long Island After Sandy!

What a joy it was to help one of our Long Beach families who had moved in with the wife's parents here in Malverne. Both of her octogenarian parents have serious health issues - and they were without power. We were able to install a large generator with power enough to provide heating and lights for them. It was a day of experiencing the truth that it is "more blessed to give than to receive . . . "

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