Two Thumbs Up for Churches Working Together

One URC volunteer doing some really dirty work!

How Hurricane Sandy brought together the OPC, URC, PCA and RPCNA (February 2013)

 Many different volunteers have come to help with the Hurricane Sandy disaster response efforts in Toms River, NJ.  A certain trend has been exciting to see and is worthy of special note.  Reformed Mission Services, a ministry within the bounds of the United Reformed Church (URC), in December sent a team of 13 from Michigan to the Jersey Shore (800 miles!) to help out with the response effort.  This URC team came to help out OPC families.  They were housed at Calvary PCA in Allenwood, NJ!  To add a little more spice to this fraternal mix, the project was arranged by James Hulbert of the RPCNA who has been donating weeks of work towards helping OPC families recover.  Isn't that what fraternal relations should lead to?  URC teams, housed by the PCA, helping OPC families on a project set up by an RPCNA brother.  I would give that two thumbs up!  Thank you brother and sisters in Christ!  Praise the Lord!


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