A Unique Thank You Note (Hurricane Katrina)

 by David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator (May 2014)

When I was in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, to take part in a presbytery diaconal conference earlier this month, I was approached by a deacon who had recently met a man from the Gulf Coast.  As they conversed, the man learned that the deacon had served several times as a disaster response worker following Hurricane Katrina.  The man then sat down and hastily composed a universal "Thank You" note, which he asked the deacon to share with others who had helped out after Katrina.

Katrina - To Strangers Who Saved Us - handwritten original

4/14/14To Strangers Who Saved Us (New Orleans – Katrina)As evening fell, our lives piled on the curb in front of our ruined homes, it was really easy to be completely overwhelmed. Starting was so difficult. The darkness of our once busy neighborhoods was so complete. The silence, where once there were friends, so depressing. We felt so alone.It all took a change when the truck from God knows where came around the corner. The truck stopped in front of my house. A young lady from Virginia, with a beautiful smile, offered me dumplings. I cried at her kindness. At that moment, I knew I was not alone. She, you, will never be forgotten! THANK YOU!  


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