"Missionaries" - Not Just "Volunteers!"

62816677898132_origWe recently received the following note referring to the teams that the OPC has been sending to Japan since the Tsunami of 2011 to help with the continuing recovery and outreach taking place at the Nozomi (Hope) Center, established by the Reformed Church in Japan and a coalition of missions including the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.This note is a wonderful testimony to the work of each individual who has organized or participated in those teams.  So encouraging!

January 27, 2015Greetings in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!I would like to thank you for sending many teams for the past few years to help us at the Nozomi Center.  People of Yamamoto and we, Nozomi staff, were greatly encouraged by the warmth and the power of the Holy Spirit that the team members brought with them each time.We consider our brothers and sisters in Christ from OPC mission teams "missionaries" instead of just "volunteers" because of their dedicated service to bring Gospel to the town of Yamamoto by loving the locals in a tangible way.Thank you very much for all your prayers and support.In Christ,Yui Hamada Nozomi Center Staff


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