Disaster Response: Nepal Earthquake

by David Nakhla, OPC Short-Term Missions Coordinator (May 2015)Many in the church have been asking if the OPC has a conduit for participating in bringing relief to those who have been affected by the earthquakes that have devastated the country of Nepal.  The OPC currently has no direct contacts in Nepal, however, Word and Deed, an organization that assists several of the OPC's sister reformed denominations (URCNA, FRC, CanRef, etc.) with disaster response, has a connection in India through whom they will be mobilizing some response efforts in Nepal.It is an encouragement to see the diaconal care and concern exhibited by OPC members as they persistently desire to demonstrate compassion towards those who are suffering, even in such far away places.  Pray for those in the church who are able to participate in responding to the needs in Nepal and that, even through this most difficult time of sorrow and death, the Lord might draw many unto himself.Stay tuned here or to the OPC Disaster Response Facebook page for any updates about opportunities to participate.


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