Hurricane Ernesto

Hurricane Ernesto made landfall in Puerto Rico on August 14, leaving island-wide power outages and devastation in its wake. Bradney Lopez, pastor of Iglesia Presbiteriana Sola Escritura is thankful to the Lord to report that there are no known needs in their congregation as a result of Ernesto and the loss of power lasted only about 24 hours. This storm came just after the Lord mercifully saw the second OPC short-term team depart on August 10.

Hurricane Debby

With praise for God's loving care, we are thankful to report that there are no known ongoing needs in any OP Churches as a result of Hurricane Debby that struck Florida and other eastern coastal areas earlier this month. Please pray for those who continue to suffer as a result of this hurricane/tropical storm.


Recent Attack in L’viv, Ukraine


Displaced OPC is Inching Closer to their Goal