Recent Attack in L’viv, Ukraine

From OPC Missionary to Ukraine, Heero Hacquebord:

Early yesterday morning, September 4, L’viv — where we live and work — was the target of a Russian kamikaze drone and missile attack. Though this is not the first time that Russians have attacked L’viv (located very close to Poland) this attack resulted in the highest number of casualties and injuries so far. Seven people were killed, including four members of one family (all except the father). Today is a day of mourning in L’viv.

We thank the Lord that all of our +/- 60 church members are physically unscathed. We experienced just a little bit of what other cities in Ukraine — such as Kherson and Kharkiv — experience almost daily. Pray with us for a good end to this war and for Jesus to protect and build His Church in Ukraine!


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