Crates for Ukraine Update

Crates for Ukraine Update

We are just over halfway to our goal of registering 400 crates by March 1! The response from churches has been amazing thus far. Thank you for your willingness to help those in need. If you haven't registered yet, there is still time. There are now 29 local drop-off locations around the U.S. for you to consider. Check the list of participating OPC, PCA and other organizations who are serving as drop-off points to see if there is one close to you. The list of drop-off locations can be found here (scroll down to the green box). Find out more about the Crate for Ukraine program by visiting:

We're happy to provide contact information to churches or individuals who are interested in getting in touch with a drop-off location. Please email to request more information, or if you need any assistance.



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Working Together for Ukraine