Working Together for Ukraine

Working Together for Ukraine

“But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?” — I John 3:17. Grace Chung, member of Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Franklin Square (New York), was reminded of that verse as she participated in packing supplies and aid to be sent to Ukraine as a part of the Crates for Ukraine initiative.

She says, "The congregation at OPC Franklin Square watched a video update that Pastor Lloyd Sterrett shared from Lviv, Ukraine during one of our Sunday School hours. We were moved by the ongoing support efforts and how God was clearly working in this war-torn country. Upon quick glance at the website detailing the Crates for Ukraine effort, I felt I could volunteer to help coordinate at our church." This project was embraced by others in her church and immediately plans were formed to gather supplies and pack the crates.

Overall, OPC Disaster Response has been amazed by the response of churches across the denomination to the call to participate in the Crates for Ukraine initiative. We are immensely thankful for all the churches that have registered so far, excited to see how many more will participate, and grateful to the Lord for the way he is using this project to bring so many churches together in order to support and build up the global church.

At this time, at least 40 OPC congregations have committed to filling crates for Ukraine. In fact, some churches, like Living Hope OPC in Gettysburg, PA, have planned and devoted entire evenings to sharing information about Crates for Ukraine, learning more about the ministry taking place in Eastern Europe, and praying for the war situation and for the churches in the midst of it all. The people of Living Hope even tried Ukrainian foods together, including a traditional Ukrainian soup called Borscht.

If you haven't already committed to helping, the time to get involved is now! The deadline to register your crates is March 1, 2023. This is a wonderful opportunity for your church to grow together in service, as well as care for your brothers and sisters in need across the globe. Grace Chung found it easy to participate, "I think MTW did a great job overall facilitating the participation of CFU. The instructions and supply lists were generally clear and easy to follow." Join with her and many others in supporting the church in Ukraine, offering a demonstration of the love of Christ to those suffering in the midst of war.

You can find more information by visiting If you have any questions about the process, please email


Crates for Ukraine Update


A Sincere Heart for Ministry