Hurricane Florence Response: Report to General Assembly

Hurricane Florence Response: Report to General Assembly

Report on 2018 Hurricane Florence Response,
presented by David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator,
to the General Assembly of the OPC
June 7, 2019


The much-forecasted arrival of Hurricane Florence finally occurred on September 14, 2018, in Wrightsville Beach, NC, as a Category 1 hurricane. Florence caused a storm surge of as much as ten feet above sea level in New Bern, NC, causing the Neuse River to overflow its banks and sweep into this historic town. Wilmington, NC, experienced a record-breaking storm tide at 3.6 feet above high tide on that same day. Florence was a slow-moving storm and proceeded to dump up to thirty-five inches of rain on the entire state of North Carolina and most of South Carolina, much of that water then flowing back toward the ocean and causing the already burgeoning waterways to crest many days after Florence had moved on. Due to such flooding, the city of Wilmington was cut off from the rest of the state for almost a week.

As has been stated in recent reports, the CDM has been encouraging presbyteries to take on more ownership of disaster preparedness and response efforts. Thankfully, the Presbytery of the Southeast (PSE) has taken that encouragement and is now one of the best prepared presbyteries in the OPC. Their presbytery diaconal committee was able to build on the foundation of disaster preparedness previously laid in the presbytery. (Each church has a disaster response coordinator identified, and a system in place to keep track of its members before, during, and after a cataclysmic event). As such, under the able leadership of Mike Cloy (elder, Reformation OPC, Gastonia, NC) and Tim Hopper (deacon, Shiloh OPC, Raleigh, NC), contact was made with all the churches of the presbytery days before Florence even struck, an accounting of all members was completed (i.e., which families left and which were sheltering in place), and contingency plans were established.

A team of seven (five brothers and two other men) from four states arrived in North Carolina before the storm hit, equipped with emergency rations and equipment. They staged their gear in a warehouse in Wilmington, NC, and then assisted in checking on affected OPC families before the storm. This disaster response team (“DRT,” as they affectionately became known), was able to accomplish much work in the name of Christ. This was a new stage of disaster response work for the OPC for which we give thanks, and from which we can learn how we might mimic such proactiveness in future disasters.

Tim Hopper prepared an excellent overview of this process in an article entitled, Ready for the Storm, published in the December 2018 issue of New Horizons. Tim concluded:

“The development of a response plan by the disaster response team and diaconal committee of the PSE, in conjunction with information from local church officers, allowed us to ensure that each of our church members was accounted for and property damages were assessed once the storm hit. We estimate that the work done by the disaster response team saved recipients over $100,000 in tree cutting, driveway and road clearing, tarping, pumping water, and demolition of flooded properties.”

Covenant OPC (New Bern, NC), and Trinity Reformed OPC and Heritage OPC (Wilmington, NC), all had families who suffered flooding and downed trees. For some, the flood waters entered their homes, requiring the costly process of opening walls and floors to kill the mold, clean, and dry out. Since the coastline of North Carolina has such a naturally humid environment, the process of drying out saturated homes was not an easy one. Thankfully, for many church members, the water level did not rise high enough to enter into their homes, but it did flow under their homes, getting trapped in the crawl space, depositing contaminants and creating a moist environment ripe for the spread of mold and other biological hazards. As such, much of the disaster response effort has been engaged in the effort to dry homes with the use of commercial dehumidifiers, purchased mostly with the use of a $10,000 gift donated to OPC Disaster Response for the express purpose of purchasing equipment. These efforts benefited very much from the expertise of Jim Flanagan (Covenant, New Bern), who providentially has decades of experience in disaster recovery work.

Feedback from homeowners posted on Tim Hopper’s Facebook page included:

“Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. You were a great witness for Christ everywhere you went.”


“Thank you so much for helping C. get this work done on her house - you have indeed been the hands and feet of Jesus to her.”


“Thank you so much for checking on our home. We are resting easier now knowing what's going on and what to expect when we come back. Praying for your safety.”


“Love that the OPC is there caring for its people in time of need!”

On September 22—28, 2018, the OPC Disaster Response Coordinator performed an initial assessment, visiting the affected churches, their officers, and as many affected families as possible. He quickly discovered how far apart the families of these churches live. In his six days on the ground, he was able to visit about fifteen homes, churches, or places of business of OPC members, but drove over 900 miles to do so. Distance has certainly proved to be just one of the complexities of the Florence disaster response efforts.

In preparation for welcoming volunteers, Maribeth Campbell (Matthews OPC, Matthews, NC), agreed to serve as the volunteer coordinator for Florence disaster response efforts. Each affected church in the area identified a hospitality coordinator to assist in providing food and lodging for volunteers: Sheila Theune (Covenant, New Bern), Alaine Hofland (Trinity, Wilmington), and Ellis Furst (Heritage, Wilmington). The ministry efforts in North Carolina have been blessed by receiving eighty-one volunteers from fourteen states in 2018. The names of the volunteers who generously gave of their time and talents are listed in the addendum to this report.

From the time that it was clear that OPC congregations had been affected, the Florence Disaster Oversight Committee (FDOC) was established. On this committee is represented the presbytery diaconal committee (chairman, Mike Cloy), the CDM (Seth Long), and each of the three affected OPC churches (deacon Scott Cormier, Covenant, New Bern), Matt Mitchell (Heritage, Wilmington), and Alec Liederbach (deacon, Trinity, Wilmington). The FDOC met by conference call six times in 2018.

In October 2018, Fred de Ru (Grace OPC, Wasilla, AK) was graciously released from his duties as site coordinator in Houston, which enabled him to relocate to North Carolina to take up the work of Regional site coordinator there. Fred, with his wife Brenda at his side, faithfully served in this capacity through the end of 2018, and continues to do so at the time of the writing of this report. The CDM gives thanks to the Lord for men such as Mr. de Ru, without whom these efforts would not be possible.

As of the time of this writing, the Florence disaster response efforts continue.

Disaster Response Leadership in North Carolina:

Regional Disaster Response Coordinator at beginning of hurricane:

  • Tim Hopper, Deacon, Shiloh OPC, Raleigh, NC

Assistant Disaster Response Coordinator at beginning of hurricane:

  • Mike Cloy, Elder, Reformation OPC, Gastonia, NC

Florence Disaster Operating Committee (FDOC):

  • Chair: Mike Cloy, Elder, Reformation OPC, Gastonia, NC
  • Scott Cormier, Deacon, Covenant OPC, New Bern
  • Alec Liederbach, Deacon Trinity OPC, Wilmington, NC
  • Seth Long, Elder, Neon OPC, Neon, KY
  • Matthew Mitchell, Heritage OPC, Wilmington, NC

Site Coordinator:

  • Fred de Ru, Deacon, Grace OPC, Wasilla, AK

Volunteer Coordinator:

  • Maribeth Campbell, Matthew OPC, Matthews, NC

Hospitality Coordinators:

  • Ellis Furst, Heritage OPC, Wilmington, NC
  • Alaine Hofland, Trinity OPC, Wilmington, NC
  • Sheila Theune, Covenant OPC, New Bern, NC

OPC Volunteers (to the best of our knowledge):

Brenda de Ru Grace OPC Wasilla, AK
Stacy Nelson Bayview OPC Chula Vista, CA
Les Miller Covenant OPC St. Augustine. FL
Jake Bailey Covenant OPC Buford, GA
Albert Davis Covenant OPC Buford, GA
Alex Dorr Covenant OPC Buford, GA
Ben Kitchen Covenant OPC Buford, GA
Christopher Lillie Geneva OPC Marietta, GA
Gregg Ratledge Geneva OPC Marietta, GA
Aaron Dorr Grace Reformed OPC Des Moines, IA
Tom Sills Grace and Peace OPC California, MD
Curt Sproul Grace and Peace OPC California, MD
Klaas Boerman Chain O'Lakes OPC Central Lake, MI
Rick Boerman Chain O'Lakes OPC Central Lake, MI
Justin Ennett Chain O'Lakes OPC Central Lake, MI
Robert Harmon Chain O Lakes OPC Central Lake, MI
Troy Harmon Chain O Lakes OPC Central Lake, MI
Tanner Beebe New City Fellowship OPC Grand Rapids, MI
Tom Boorsma New City Fellowship OPC Grand Rapids, MI
Trenton Eller New City Fellowship Grand Rapids, MI
Jason Schuringa New City Fellowship OPC Grand Rapids, MI
Alan Chupp Cedar OPC Jenison, MI
Jeff Davis Cedar OPC Jenison, MI
Brett De Boef Cedar OPC Jenison, MI
Micah Faber Cedar OPC Jenison, MI
Daniela Ruiz Cedar OPC Jenison, MI
Kibsy Ruiz Cedar OPC Jenison, MI
David Hitchner Faith OPC Pole Tavern, NJ
Mitch Carriker Matthews OPC Matthews, NC
Jeremy Carriker Matthews OPC Matthews, NC
Luke Fawcett Matthews OPC Matthews, NC
Benjamin Laurie Matthews OPC Matthews, NC
Mark Selles Matthews OPC Matthews, NC
Wesley Selles Matthews OPC Matthews, NC
Vickie Baybutt Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Constance Baybutt Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Elisha Cormier Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Jim Flanagan Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Ash Guirgues Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Adler Guirgues Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Devin Phandara Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Mark Theune Covenant OPC New Bern, NC
Galen Boerema Pilgrim OPC Raleigh, NC
Juli Boerema Pilgrim OPC Raleigh, NC
Kate Boerema Pilgrim OPC Raleigh, NC
Patrick Juras Pilgrim OPC Raleigh, NC
Elanor Mericle Pilgrim OPC Raleigh, NC
Amy Sloan Pilgrim OPC Raleigh, NC
Emma Sloan Pilgrim OPC Raleigh, NC
Joel Clendineng Grace OPC Columbus, OH
Joe Fraunght Covenant OPC Mansfield, OH
William Mumea Covenant OPC Mansfield, OH
Adam Mumea Covenant OPC Mansfield, OH
Trent Davis Knox OPC Mt. Vernon, OH
Matthew Gertler Knox OPC Mt. Vernon, OH
Walter Robinson Providence OPC Chilhowie, VA
Jane Robinson Providence OPC Chilhowie, VA
Jason Hochstetler Staunton OPC Staunton, VA


Non-OPC Volunteers (to the best of our knowledge):

Aaron Crawford Christ Church Odenville, AL
Ben Greer 12Stone Church Lawrenceville, GA
Ethan Dorr Ocheyedan CRC Ocheyedan, IA
Paul Childress Columbia PCA Columbia, MD
Mike Espey Columbia PCA Columbia, MD
Jeremy Weber Columbia PCA Columbia, MD
Ben Dorr Minnesota
Chris Dorr Dayton RPCNA Dayton, OH
Bill Booth Unity Community Church Pittsburgh, PA
Steve Meyer Unity Community Church Pittsburgh, PA
Andrew Strano Unity Community Church Pittsburgh, PA
Steve Haney Calvary Church Souderton, PA


Hurricane Florence Response: A Witness of the Love of Christ


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