Refugee Ministry Update: Summer Camp

August 2019

From the August 7, 2019, edition of Home Missions Today:

CLARKSTON, GEORGIA — Chris and Grace Ann Cashen

Evangelist Chris Cashen writes, “Certain experiences over the past months have helped us marvel at the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. One of these occurred at the end of July. We were given the opportunity to take many refugee children from Brentwood Apartments to a three day summer camp. These young ones from Syria, Afghanistan, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and the Congo were exposed to the truth of the constant presence and saving grace of the God of Scripture. They rode horses, swam, fished, canoed, and even climbed a 45’ tall ‘rock’ wall and zip-lined back down to the ground. After one of the younger children made it to the top of the wall, looking down, she burst into tears. The fear of height was so significant, this little one was paralyzed. So, Grace Ann donned a helmet and safety harness and climbed her way to the top. Once on top, Grace Ann convinced our little friend that the rope could be depended upon to get her safely back to the ground. As the children were taught, it is quite amazing that the Lord Jesus has promised to be always present with each child of God. Especially when, like Peter, we take our eyes off of Jesus and become fearful of the winds and the waves of this world, Christ reaches down and pulls us up to safety in His powerful arms. Please pray that these children would clearly see the light of Christ within our hearts as we seek to minister to them in, sometimes, unexpected ways.”

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