Hurricane Harvey Response: The Work Ahead

by David Nakhla, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator (August 30, 2017) Wednesday, August 30, 201710:00 pm EST

 If one member suffers, all suffer together;if one member is honored, all rejoice together.1 Cor. 12:26 (ESV)

We thank the Lord that the rain has finally stopped falling upon Houston, despite having hit record levels for the continental US.  The disaster continues to unfold as some of the rivers have not yet crested.  Please continue to pray for the Lord’s mercy in this regard.A number of families from two OP churches in the Houston area have been impacted by the flooding in various ways. This presents us with the opportunity to come alongside and help them to recover. Preparations Being Made:

  • The OPC Disaster Response trailer is currently on its way to Houston.
  • Men from within the Presbytery of the Southwest are gearing up to bring support as they are able. 
  • We are exploring avenues for housing and feeding volunteers who will come to Houston from other parts of the country.
  • We are determining where to set up our headquarters in the Houston area.
  • And, funds are coming in.

First Teams of Volunteers:The initial team(s) of volunteers will be put to work mucking out homes. It’s important to remove the contents and wet walls and floors as soon as possible. Once we have identified a Volunteer Coordinator, we will be able to begin booking volunteers. Stay tuned to the S.T.O.R.M. Report and Facebook for further details as they become available.We are so thankful for the many offers of help and encouragement we have received from you. It truly is a picture of the body of Christ coming together to minister to one another. When one part hurts, the whole body hurts.May God grant us wisdom and grace as we move ahead.How to Donate:

  • Click here for information on how to donate by check or on line.

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Contact:David NakhlaOPC Disaster Response CoordinatorAdministrator, Committee on Diaconal Ministriesdavid.nakhla@opc.orgPrimary Phone: Cell (562) 760-7606Secondary Phone: Office (215) 935-1006 


Refugee Ministry Videos by David Nakhla


Hurricane Harvey: Flooding Update