Refugee Relief: An Update

by David Nakhla, Short-Term Missions Coordinator (February 2016)Migrants-walk-towa_3448371bThe Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) wishes to express its thanks to the many individuals and churches that have sent in funds designated for Refugee Relief, now exceeding $18,000.The Scriptures instruct us to care for widows and orphans, strangers and aliens, those in distress. Certainly all of these are represented in the mass of humanity currently experiencing forced migration around the globe, including persecuted Christians who can be difficult to identify since they intentionally keep a low profile for fear of further oppression.We are slowly learning about more and more good works that are being accomplished by Christians for refugees in the Middle East, Europe, and beyond. Thank you to those of you who have notified us about a variety of such ministries. Our goal is to participate in a way that offers material aid in conjunction with the ministry of the Word to both Christian and non-Christian refugees.  Please continue to pray for the CDM as we seek the Lord's guidance in this matter.For further information or to make a donation, please click here


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The Refugee Crisis: The OPC Perspective