Unprecedented Tornados Hit the U.S. Overnight

Unprecedented Tornados Hit the U.S. Overnight

UPDATE as of 12/13/21:

We thank the Lord that there is no known direct impact to the OPC from the recent devastating tornadoes. We do know that the MNA Disaster Response (of the PCA) will likely be mobilizing, pending confirmation of the impact on their churches. If you would like to donate or volunteer, we commend this like-minded sister organization to you. Find out more: https://resources.pcamna.org/resource/deadly-tornado-outbreak/. To donate to MNA Disaster Response: https://give.pcamna.org/to/mna-disaster-response/

For those who would prefer to donate through the OPC, gifts can be made to the Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM), designating it for "Tornado Response". The CDM may then consider passing those along, as one lump sum, to the MNA Disaster Response or another organization, as this unfolds.Go to: https://give.opc.org/diaconal-ministries-detail/diaconal-ministries.

Join with us in prayer for those many affected families and individuals.

AS of 12/11/21:

Please be in prayer for those cities and towns who endured historically massive (EF-4 or 5) and immense tornadoes last night (early morning hours of December 11) from from the south to the midwest. It is suspected that at least 30 tornadoes touched down over six states in a just few hours time leaving devastating destruction, decimation and casualties. OPC Disaster Response is awaiting reports from the numerous presbyteries as they assess the damage of our churches in each region. So far we know that Neon OPC in Kentucky is ok. Updates will be posted as information becomes available. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21 OPCDisasterResponse.org.


Tornadoes and Fires


Tornadoes in the Northeast