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Japan Tsunami Archives Trish Duggan Japan Tsunami Archives Trish Duggan

Japan Disaster Response Update

Due to the fact that building material is twice the price in Japan as in the US, our intention was to ship the building materials from the US. Little did we know of the difficulties we would run up against in attempting to order, pack, and ship this material to Japan. Yet, God has been faithful to raise up just the right men to stand in the gap and help make this happen . . .

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Japan Tsunami Archives, New Horizons Trish Duggan Japan Tsunami Archives, New Horizons Trish Duggan

Flood of Mercy

NEW HORIZONS, December 2011: For a Christian visiting Japan’s capital city of Tokyo, one of the most heartbreaking sights is also one of the city’s biggest attractions. The famous Sensoji Temple draws some thirty million visitors each year, including throngs of Buddhists futilely worshipping Kannon—the purported “goddess of mercy" . . .

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Japan Tsunami Archives Trish Duggan Japan Tsunami Archives Trish Duggan

Japan Disaster Response: Construction Workers Needed Now

We hope to see the material arrive in Japan by early November. At that time, we will need teams of skilled builders to perform the work. We are looking for electricians, plumbers, tapers, tilers, and carpenters. We anticipate a couple of months of work. This is a wonderful opportunity for those with these skills to serve in this kingdom work . . .

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